University budget for sustainability efforts (in US Dollars)
The 3-year average sustainability budget is 5,428,281/3=1,809427(US Dollars).
The 3-year average sustainability budget is 5,428,281/3=1,809427(US Dollars).

- Academic year 107 starts from 2018.08.01 to 2019.07.31.
- Academic year 108 starts from 2019.08.01 to 2020.07.31.
- Academic year 109 starts from 2020.08.01 to 2021.07.31.
- There are 4 major items, which are Campus greening expenses, Environmental protection expenses, Campus sustainable development expenses, and Government grants for University sustainability programs, for sustainaility efforts in Fo Guang University annual budget.
- Please find table above, the 3-year average budget for sustainability efforts is $1,809,427 (US Dollars).
- The Annual university budget is 30,598,750 (US Dollars). The percentage of sustainability budget in the total university budget is 5.91% (1,809,427/ 30,598,750 =5.91%).
The Use of Water Efficient Appliances (Water tap, toilet flush, etc)

Consumption of tap water report (Unit: metric tons)

The consumption of tap water signifacantly decreased on Academic Year 109. The reaso
is an increase of usage of mountain spring water.
After the mountain spring water has been filtered and reaches the inspection standards, it
will be used for campus vegetation irrigation and sidewalk cleaning (about 5,000 metric
tons, accounting for 10%). It is used for toilet flushing and living water accounts for 90%.
The consumption of tap water signifacantly decreased on Academic Year 109. The reaso
is an increase of usage of mountain spring water.
After the mountain spring water has been filtered and reaches the inspection standards, it
will be used for campus vegetation irrigation and sidewalk cleaning (about 5,000 metric
tons, accounting for 10%). It is used for toilet flushing and living water accounts for 90%.
Energy efficient appliances usage are replacing conventional appliances

Electricity usage per year (in kilo watt hour)

- Starting from 2017, we have replaced traditional bulbs and tubes with LED lights in classrooms and offices. Energy-saving lamps or tubes accounted for 74.62% of the total number of campus lighting equipment installed.
- The total electricity consumption at the campus of Foguang University during the academic year 109 was 5,892,800 kWh.
- There is a significant decrease of 3.04% as compared to the previous year, due to strong commitment and energy-saving programs implementation.

1.FGU continuously promotes the programs of mandatory garbage sorting, resource recycling, and the reduction of disposable products.
2.After sorting different kind of inorganic waste, the government waste-collection vehicle comes to collect the waste twice a week.
3.The garbage at campus is collected by the cleaning company to the garbage dump. After being sorted and cleaned by cleaning workers, the garbage is placed in partitions and stored, and then sold to the resource recycling center.
4.Regarding the classified and recyclable resources, the manufacturers are regularly asked to transport them to the government-approved recycling center. The chart shows the recyclable resources processed in academic year 109.

2.After sorting different kind of inorganic waste, the government waste-collection vehicle comes to collect the waste twice a week.
3.The garbage at campus is collected by the cleaning company to the garbage dump. After being sorted and cleaned by cleaning workers, the garbage is placed in partitions and stored, and then sold to the resource recycling center.
4.Regarding the classified and recyclable resources, the manufacturers are regularly asked to transport them to the government-approved recycling center. The chart shows the recyclable resources processed in academic year 109.

- In response to the spirit of sustainable environmental protection, Fo Guang University has obtained the internationally certified "ISO 50001" energy management system certificate. Following the "ISO 50001" management system, Fo Guang University comprehensively reviewed campus energy management issues from analyzing energy equipment, collecting energy consumption data, equipment control and analysis, etc., and organized Energy Management Committee with Vice President Liu Sanqi as the convener. The result is outstanding and inspiring that 22% decrease of electricity expenses for the past few years.
- In order to follow FGU policy of environmental and sustainable education, we strive to execute the principle of green procurement in practice. Fo Guang University was awarded again by Yi-Lan County Government as the "Year 109 Excellent Unit for Green Procurement Organization" this year, and it has been recognized for 13 consecutive years since 1997.