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    Our university is located in Linmei Village, Jiaoxi Township, and is blessed with wonderful and natural scenery. Other than creating and improving the functionality and quality of life of our campus, we also fully discharge our duties of maintaining the safety and beauty of this space. The administration of General Affairs provides for all the faculty and students of our university, supporting the operations of other teaching and administrative departments, and is founded to help accomplish the overall educational program, making it an indispensable link in the development of the university. In accords with their respective functions, there are the departments of General Matters, Building Maintenance and Security, and Environmental Maintenance. They are responsible for the following tasks:

General Affairs Division 事務組  management of and liaison with external contractors; shuttle scheduling; centralized large-sum procurement; management of official documents and dockets; management of financial assets; loan of equipment and venues; request for short-term accommodations; cashiering operations; management of securities; balance sheet creation.

Construction & Maintenance Division 營繕組  maintenance of buildings on campus; appropriate, normal functioning and full utilization of machinery and equipment, in order to provide our faculty and staff with a safe, comfortable and quality environment; and, to undertake the duties related to maintenance and security operations.

Environment & Safety Division 環安組  beautifying the campus, environmental protection, etc.